Friday, 30 September 2016

Week Ending 30/09/16 in Year Three

This week in Year Three we have been learning some new words, some new methods of calculations and new ways to make our stories jump from the page like a gazelle (this is a simile).

In Maths we have been using a method of stand up addition and subtraction that has enabled us to perform calculations with both five digit numbers and decimals! 

In English we have been learning what adjectives are, making an “adjective bank” where we can use our adjectives to make our sentences more friendly and more exciting for our readers and we have been learning what a simile and a metaphor is. From here we will move towards using these skills in our creative writing.

In our Topic lessons we have been developing our ability to use tone in our sketches. The children have completed a tonal chart and are now applying their skills to a more complex sketch.

With all these new skills we're looking forward to using them more and developing our abilities.

Morning Routine

Every day in Year Three, after breakfast, we like to start the day off with our morning routine. This begins by moving into the hall for our morning stretch. We start gently, making sure that we warm up our wrists, our fingers, our ankles and toes before we start with some more dynamic stretches, exercising our core and elongating our spines. We like to end these sessions with a minute’s meditation to remind ourselves why we are here today and what we can bring to the day to make it great.

We then go back into class to hear a chapter or two from our class book. This week we have started The B.F.G by Roald Dahl. 

We then we move into pairs and using our skills of self-assessment and independence we pick our morning challenge for that day. We have a chart on the wall where we can track what we have done and begin with something new for the week. We can choose from: the word game Boogle where we have to make as many words as possible from jumbled letters; the Tube Challenge where we are given two stations from the London Underground network and we have to first find them and then describe how we get from one station to the next; the Maths Game where with wooden tiles we solve problems, Chess; the History Challenge where we place dates in history in sequential order and the Globe Challenge where we are given countries to find.

Once we have done these morning challenges and have tidied up we go back on to the carpet to practise our phonics. Phonics gives us the ability to recognise words and sounds so that we may increase our vocabulary and progress with our reading so we may move to more challenging and longer books.

The morning routines in Year Three are important for your child’s learning and are a great stabiliser for the school day ahead.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Welcome to Year Three 2016/2017

Dear parents and children,

Welcome to ENS Onegino's Year Three blog for the academic year 2016-2017.

We have been extremely busy so far in the three weeks with our work in English, Maths and Topic.

In English we have been making short story plans using a "Roller Coaster" method to examine how stories move up and down, how characters interact with each other to create those movements and how we find resolutions.

In Maths we have been learning about partitioning and column stand up methods of addition and applying these new skills we have been learning how to add decimal numbers. There has been steadfast work in this.

In our dinosaur topic series we have been drawn to the Spinosaurus and through our study of this specific dinosaur we have been learning about where in the world dinosaurs inhabited before the continental drift, what their diet was and the time in history this particular dinosaur lived (Cretaceous period).

Mr Ieuan and Mr Chris hope you enjoy the posts on this blog and the insights into your child's learning.