This week's homework is to learn as many of the three times table as possible. Your child has been given a laminated times table card to practise and learn from. Please look after this as this will be used for weekly homework.
Here is our spellings for this week (if your child loses the copy that was given to them on Friday, please right click and save the image. From here you can then print):
A month away from Christmas and we're working as hard as ever!
This week in Maths we have been looking at multiplication and using the Box Method. This method has helped us tackle and solve what at first seemed difficult mathematical equations. We can be given any (seemingly) difficult two and three digit number and feel confident that we will work out the answer. The method involves breaking down equations into manageable bite-sized chunks that we can then use our skills of addition to solve the answer. We are continuing to do two and three digit multiplication equations so that we can feel confident to try out four digit numbers! Here is an example of how the Box Method works:
If you would like to learn more about the Box Method of multiplication, please watch this video:
We would also like to start practicing our times tables at home so that we can challenge more difficult equations and become more proficient with less challenging equations (which would ultimately help us with those seemingly difficult equations). Any help with our 1, 2, 3, and 4 times tables would be greatly appreciated.
In English this week we took some time to look at poetry. Our task was to write a three stanza poem (not to be confused with a tercet poem such as a haiku). We used music as a cue for our poetry writing (we used a similar method when we used Philip Glass's opening track to his score for the film Mishima as a cue to draw a picture). For our poetry exercise we listened to Erik Satie's Gnossienne No. 1 as our inspiration for our poetry. This piece of music gave us a range of ideas which resulted in poetry about a ballerina dancing for an audience to being with our friends on the beach. From being alone in a house while a wolf was outside our door to being in the wild plains of Africa. Some of our favourite lines were:
The night was long and the light was little
Every seat was taken!
Here is the music that we used:
In Topic we have been looking at plant reproduction. We have used diagrams and visual methods for our writing where we have focused on pollination of flowers and how pollen moves from one plant to the next. Here is a video of pollination in action with a bee pollinating several flowers:
And here is a video explaining the parts of a plant involved in pollination:
In final news we are still very busy practicing for our exciting Christmas play. Any time you could spend with us this weekend helping us to learn our lines would be greatly appreciated!
This week’s challenge is to find out some information about one of the following plants…….
The Rat Eating Pitcher Plant.
The Venus Fly Trap.
The Redwood Tree.
The Daffodil
Or any other plant of your choice.
You can use the internet or your own information books to find information. Please write or type your sentences in your own words. You can present the information as simply or as creatively as you wish. Spellings for this week (if your child loses the copy that was given to them on Friday, please right click and save image. From here you can then print):
It may come as no surprise...we've had another busy week in Year Three!
In Maths we tackled the tricky task of doubling up. We showed our working out so that we can learn how to solve more challenging mathematical problems by demonstrating how a complex idea could be reduced and solved. So, if we were asked to Double 74 we did the following:
70 + 70 = 140
4+4 = 8
140 + 8 = 148
Double 74 = 148
If you have time, this is a fun Maths game to play!
In English we have been learning how to recount stories and applying our knowledge of time connectives. We also learnt and used the Five Ws, which teaches us that we must give a factual answer to our recounts and that we must have researched our story. The story that we chose to report on was that of Felix Baumgartner's incredible jump to earth from the stratosphere on 14th October 2012. This is Felix's jump:
We also learnt how Felix's friend Joe Kittinger inspired, motivated and helped Felix beat his previous record of a 31km jump to Felix's new record of 39km. Joe's record was held for nearly fifty-two years but he was happy when Felix set a new record. This is Joe's jump:
Through archival footage and using our new investigating techniques of the Five Ws, we have collated evidence by making a plan where we used simple sentences before then writing full and developed sentences where we retold the story from our voice.
If you would like to read more about Joe, please follow this link:
And finally, in Topic we have been looking at what plants need to survive and grow. We have learnt that just like us plants need water and nutrients (food) to survive. Water and nutrients are taken up from the soil through the roots. We have a lot more to learn about plants and how they have survived through the ages, but we feel very confident about the parts of the plant.
We are also still rehearsing for our Christmas around the world play. As always, any help with our lines would be greatly appreciated.
Yet again in Year Three we have had a busy week! Even though we have just been on holiday that hasn't stopped us from diving straight into our school work.
In Maths we started to round up numbers, looking at the divisions of tens, hundreds and thousands. We have come to understand that everyone needs a method that can be agreed upon, so we used the common method that means if we have the number 5 then we must round up to 10, similarly 50 to 100 and 500 to 1000. If you would like to look further into this, please follow the link below:
In English we looked at time connectives to make our work more interesting. We took an example of some writing which started each sentence with the word He. Deciding that this writing needed to be improved we began to use time connectives to make the work more interesting and to give the writing more tone and colour. If you are interested in discovering more about time connectives, please follow the link below:
We underlined the time connectives in our work to demonstrate both that we understood and as a reminder of what they are and how to use them:
We also looked at the differences between their, there and they're. We began to draw some pictures that can help us understand the keys differences between these homophones. Here are some pictures that may help you (including one from us):
In topic we have been learning about the different parts that make up a plant. We have learnt that plants are very clever and that they are able to create their food and support themselves mostly by the sun and by water.
Here is some of our work on this new and exciting project:
We also discovered that while plants may look inactive they are anything but! Have a look at this time-lapsed video to see evidence that plants are always busy:
We have also begun our Christmas concert preparations. Anytime you can spend with us at home preparing we would love!
So indeed, as you can see our first week back has been very, very busy!
Now, we have to run off as it is our assembly this week and we will be in front of our peers reading an extract (or two) from our dinosaur project books!