Thursday 22 September 2016

Welcome to Year Three 2016/2017

Dear parents and children,

Welcome to ENS Onegino's Year Three blog for the academic year 2016-2017.

We have been extremely busy so far in the three weeks with our work in English, Maths and Topic.

In English we have been making short story plans using a "Roller Coaster" method to examine how stories move up and down, how characters interact with each other to create those movements and how we find resolutions.

In Maths we have been learning about partitioning and column stand up methods of addition and applying these new skills we have been learning how to add decimal numbers. There has been steadfast work in this.

In our dinosaur topic series we have been drawn to the Spinosaurus and through our study of this specific dinosaur we have been learning about where in the world dinosaurs inhabited before the continental drift, what their diet was and the time in history this particular dinosaur lived (Cretaceous period).

Mr Ieuan and Mr Chris hope you enjoy the posts on this blog and the insights into your child's learning.

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