Monday 17 October 2016

Week Ending 14/10/16*

We’ve been very busy in Year Three recently!

During music week we studied the life and work of Johann Sebastian Bach. We found out about his early life and his tutorship under Vivaldi. Through this and listening to his music we created some imaginative art work. In assembly we presented our research inspired by Bach and our art work by the music of Philip Glass.

In Topic we have been studying a creature which lived between sixty-five and ninety-nine million years ago! This creature is called the Mosasaur. In doing so we have learnt about adaptations, habitat, evolutionary processes and the food chain.

In Maths we have been continuing to learn about properties of shapes and shape vocabulary.

In English we have been learning about poetry. We took the opportunity to learn and recite a poem in class assembly. The poem we learnt was Please Mrs Butler by Allan Ahlberg.

*Due to technical reasons this post comprises two weeks of work.

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