Friday 3 February 2017

Week Ending 03/02/17

This week has been one of change in Year Three but we are working as hard as ever!

This week has been Arts Week. On Monday we were divided into groups amongst Years Two, Three and Four.

With Ms Catrin and Ms Lana we made our own masks.

With Mr Daniel we were given a segmented picture of a teacher's face and from there we had to draw in the other half of our teacher's face.

With Mr Chris we learnt how to make a friendship bracelet. If you too would like to make your own friendship bracelet, please ask us. We've had a lot of practise!

Art week has inspired our classes this week.

In English we have been learning about instructional writing. We have learnt that when we write instructions we are not to presume that our reader knows what we are intending for them to learn. We must assume that our reader has no knowledge of what they are about to do (which in the case of our instructions is that we are informing the reader on how to make a friendship bracelet). We start by telling our reader what they need (the materials they will need to make their own friendship bracelets). We then tell our reader in specific and direct language the measurable steps they need to take to make their project real. We know what the aim is and so we have written down all the steps clearly so the reader can accomplish making a friendship bracelet of their own.

In Maths we have also been learning about estimation by using our mosaic (see below) which we have been making in our Topic classes. We have understood that while we may not know the answer we are taking an educated guess by estimating. So, we saw the size of one tile for our mosaic against the circular wooden board that was to be made on and then estimated how many tiles will be used in total to make our mosaic. When the mosaic is hanging on the wall we will count and see who was right! If you would like to have some go's with estimating, please follow this link:


In Topic we have been making our very own Roman inspired mosaic. We first started by researching mosaics...

We then drew our own mosaic inspired by what we had learnt...

We then worked together as a republic to filter through the best elements of our designs...

We then collectively started to design our class mosaic...

With our design in place we began to make it a reality...

We are very proud of our mosaic and are looking forward to it being hung on the wall! If you would like to see some mosaics for yourself, Mr Chris would highly recommend the Pushkin Fine Arts Museum which has a wonderful collection of Greek and Roman artefacts and art...

This week we have also been practising our team building skills. We did this with two very important sessions. Firstly, we found something to compliment each other and ensured that everyone had a turn...

We then went to the sports hall where we had to move from one island to another using only small items as rafts. Once on our new island we had to make sure that our rafts came to the island with us. No one was allowed to touch the gym floor (the dreaded sea!) and everyone had to get to the island (which we all did!)...

Finally, twice a week on Tuesday and Friday morning we have been learning about art with Mr Chris. We started in the week by looking at different artists and types of art before drawing the same item (a toy rabbit) in different styles of famous artists (from Da Vinci to Warhol). We then looked at the Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky and have attempted some drawings of our own inspired by this artist who worked in the genre of abstract art.

If you would like to see some art by Kandinsky, the Pushkin Fine Art Museum has some of his work on display until 12th February.

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