Friday 10 March 2017

Week Ending 10/03/17

Even though it has only been four days, our first week back has been a busy one.

In Maths this week we have been learning about fractions. A fraction, quite simply, is a part of a whole which is expressed by two differing numbers.

A fraction is made of two numbers. The numerator is the number above the line of a fraction which indicates how many of the number below the line are taken. The number below the line is called the denominator which represents the whole number.

We have learnt that fractions are nothing to fear and that by writing and thinking of our own examples we have started to tackle equivalent fractions which are fractions that look different but show the same amount.

If you would like to try your hand out at matching some fractions try so with this GAME.

In English we have been looking at what are the features of a formal letter. We have been looking at several different examples but have noticed that regardless of the content contained in the letter when we are writing a letter there are certain things we need to follow. We start our letter by putting our name and home (or if we had our own business) address on the top right-hand corner. We leave a line and then write the date that we are composing the letter. We leave another line and on the left-hand side we write the name and the address of the person whom we are contacting. Before we can then begin the content of our letter we write the word Dear followed by the name of the person who we are writing to always ensuring (because this is a formal letter) to write their surname as well. At the end of the letter we sign off our letter by writing Yours Sincerely followed by a space large enough to sign our name before we then print our name. By signing our name we are showing that we are the legitimate writer of the letter.

In Topic we have started to look at the fascinating world of gravity. Gravity is a natural phenomenon by which mass gravitates to all other mass (mass is another way for saying forms). Gravity influences us everyday to how a pencil can fall off a table to how we can fall off of a bike to how the world is a sphere. We have started to look at the ideas of Isaac Newton. If you want to know more about Mr Newton please have a look at these FACTS. So far, we have only started to look at the broad and fascinating subject of gravity!

Friday morning we celebrated Maslenitsa. We said goodbye to the Winter, hello to the Spring, hello to the sun and hello to the big bear! We had a fun time and enjoyed our blini!

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