Friday 19 May 2017

Week Ending 19/05/17

This week we are glad the sun has finally come out! As ever

In Maths we have been once again looking at bar charts (you can say bar graph as well as this is synonymous) and data. As well as making our own tables of information to make our own bar chart, we have been looking at the different ways you can make an average. There are three ways: mean, mode and median.

The mean is where you add up the numbers collected and then divide by the number of numbers collected. For example, if we had test scores from four students and we were looking for the mean we would add them (e.g. 80 + 85 + 90 + 95 = 350) and then we would divide that number by the number of students (350/4 = 87.5).

The mode is the value that occurs the most. Again, if we had test scores from four students and two students scored 95, then the mode would be 95. But what if the other two students both scored a 90? In this instance there would be two modes. If no number is listed more than once, then there is no mode for the list.

The median is the middle value in a list of numbers. To find the median value, the numbers need to be listed in numerical order from smallest to largest. From here we can see the number in the middle as being the median.

If you are interested in learning more about presenting data, please watch this video:

To complete our bar charts we had to conduct surveys. A survey is to query one person (or many) on a particular subject or question in order to collect data for various uses. Our surveys have been about people's favourite colours, favourite animals, favourite flowers and many other areas of our interest. Once we had completed our surveys we were able to then make our own bar chart and to see the process from beginning to end. 

In Topic this week we have been looking at bones and muscles. A bone is a rigid organ which is part of a skeleton. The human skeleton is the internal framework of the human body. It performs, for us, five major functions: support, movement, protection, production of blood cells and storage of minerals. The skeleton is made up of 206 bones for adults and 300 bones for babies and infants. As we get older, some bones fuse together to become bigger bones.

We learnt that the skeleton is made up of axial bones which keep our bodies upright and provide support and appendicular bones are bones that help you move, such as the bones in your legs and arms.

But without other components of the human body, the skeleton would not be able to do much. So, atop our skeleton we have muscles. Muscles are soft tissues that are found in most animals. The main function of the muscular system is movement. Muscles are the only tissue in the human body that are able to contract. Because of this they are able to move the other parts of the human body. Muscles are attached to the bones in the human body. There are seven hundred named muscles that roughly make up half of a person's body weight.

The axial skeleton:

The appendicular skeleton:

If you would like to know more about the human skeletal system, please see the videos below:

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