Friday 2 June 2017

Week Ending 02/06/17

Another busy week in Year Three which has been more varied than usual as we practise for our Summer concert.

In Topic we have been continuing with our investigations into the human musculoskeletal system. We have been drawing detailed diagrams to show and to understand, more clearly and visually, the different bones throughout the human body. This is called kinaesthetic learning which in this case is using our own body (the hands) to learn about the skeleton.

In Maths this week we have been using different methods of calculations and statistics in relation to our growing sunflowers. We have been measuring the sizes of our leaves and calculating the difference between the shortest and longest of our leaves. By doing this we can easily find out what the mean, mode and median size is for the leaves of our sunflowers. We also were curious about the lengths of other parts of our flower: the roots, stem and the depth of the soil that was in our individual cups. With this last one we wondered if there was a correlation with the depth of soil and the length of our flower's stem. 

In Maths this week we have also been doing our termly maths test. We haven't been daunted by this and have been working hard to get all the answers right.

As part of our English this week, we have been once again practising for the Summer concert. We have been working on getting the lines right, tackling the tricky key changes and learning new words. Any help with learning our lines, over this weekend, would be greatly appreciated.

Here are the lyrics to the song, "The Keeper Did a Hunting Go" (note: the chorus is antiphonal. Girls sing what what is underlined. Boys sing what is in bold. Everyone sings what is neutral):

The keeper did a hunting go
And under his cloak he carried a bow
All for to shoot a merry little doe
Among the leaves so green, O.

Jackie boy! (Master!) Sing ye well! (Very well!)
Hey down (Ho down) Derry derry down
Among the leaves so green, O
To my hey down down (To my ho down down)
Hey down (Ho down) Derry derry down
Among the leaves so green, O

The first doe he shot at he missed;
The second doe he trimmed he kissed;
The third doe went where nobody wist
Among the leaves so green, O.

Repeat Chorus

The fourth doe she did cross the plain,
The keeper fetched her back again.
Where she is now, she may remain,
Among the leaves so green, O.

Repeat Chorus

The fifth doe she did cross the brook;
The keeper fetched her back with his crook;
Where she is now you may go and look
Among the leaves so green, O.

Repeat Chorus

The sixth doe she ran over the plain;
But he with his hounds did turn her again,
And it's there he did hunt in a merry, merry vein
Among the leaves so green, 0.

Repeat Chorus

The lyrics for Can't Stop The Feeling can be seen in the video below (and by follow the link):

This week our teachers have asked us to get an early night, every night, so we can be well rested and happy for school rehearsals and our concert.

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