Thursday, 22 June 2017

Week ending 23rd June 2017

This week year 3 has been working hard on their end of year projects about the European continent.

We have studied the first humans to have settled in Europe around 60,000 years ago which are known as neanderthals. These were replaced by humans much more similar to ourselves around 35,000 years ago, although the reason for the disappearance of the first settlers has not been established.
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An early European settlers skull which shows the adaptations in the brow (for insulation) and jaw (for gripping meat).

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A typical European Ice Age dwelling made from the bones of a Mammoth.

We have learned that the first settlers were immensely strong, had brains as big as (if not bigger than) our own, were well adapted to life in the cold, cared for one another when they were injured or sick and conducted burial rituals when there was a death in the group.

We have established the differences between political and physical maps

A physical map of Europe.
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A political map of Europe
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We have begun studying the world of Ancient Greece and now understand that so much of what we know and use today is a consequence of the work done by Greek thinkers around 3000 years ago.
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Ancient Greek architecture which has been reproduced and has inspired architects throughout history.

We have learned about the Oracle at Delphi where people would travel in order to gain advice from the gods in exchange for expensive gifts which were given to the priests who in turn became very powerful.
 We have also seen the impact which The Greeks had on the world by developing political systems, mathematics, philosophy, sport, weaponry, theatre and science.
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The Oracle at Delphi.

We hope you have enjoyed this weeks blog. Have a great weekend.

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